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Known for our responsive customer service, quality products, and expert technicians, we have served the Capital Region for over a century.
Let us help you with all your heating and cooling needs. Apply online today.
Worry-Free Price-Protection Ceiling Plans
Affordable Payment Options for Every Budget
Whether you use heating oil or propane, John Ray & Sons will provide you with reliable fuel delivery, expert service, peace of mind, and affordable payment plans for your home energy needs.
We Deliver Home Comfort. Guaranteed.
115 Years of Service
Since 1904, John Ray & Sons has been providing reliable delivery of quality fuel products and responsive service to families and businesses across the Capital Region.
Whatever your energy needs – heating oil, propane, biofuels, gasoline, on- and off-road diesel, or kerosene – we’re here to meet them.
And we don’t just deliver fuel. We deliver peace of mind. With expert installation and service of top-grade heating and air conditioning equipment. True 24-hour service. From people that deliver on their promises.
Our mission
“Our mission is to always remember people first. We earn our customers’ loyalty through outstanding customer service with a ‘do-whatever-it-takes’ philosophy. We are committed to upholding a century-old tradition of honesty and integrity.”